Magic In Motion reserves the right to cancel or postpone any competition due to weather, number of entries, or any other circumstance deemed necessary. Magic In Motion reserves the right to add additional competition days due to the number of entries or move the competition location due to unforeseen circumstances. Any changes made within the competition dates and/or times is at the sole discretion of magic in motion.

In the event that our competition date is cancelled by Magic In Motion due to weather or the venue, a refund or credit will be issued, but determined only by Magic In Motion.  All details will always be updated and found on the magic in motion website. 

Please note that guest who have epileptic, asthmatic, and people with pacemakers, please be advised that it is common for magic in motion to use special effects lighting, strobe light effects, laser effects, and other effects throughout the entire competition.

Magic In Motion makes every effort to align with reputable vendors (photographers, videographers, etc.) however, Magic In Motion is not responsible for any unfulfilled orders resulting in a financial loss for the customer that my be caused as a direct result from the business practice of any of its vendors or non payment from your studio, school or competitors. 

Deductions may be made for routines that are not completed on stage.  If an uncompleted routine is allowed to attempt a second chance, it may not be eligible for high score awards. this is to be determined by the judges.  If a routine is uncompleted do to music issues that routine will be allowed to complete their routine again without deductions. 

Sportsman like behavior is expected at all times from all competitors.  Failure to display proper decorum could result in immediate disqualification.  We do reserve the right to refuse entry into the competition to both competitors and spectators of any group or individuals who has been deemed unsportsmanlike by our staff.  Anyone displaying unsportsmanlike behavior during the event will immediately be asked to leave the facility resulting in a loss of entry fees, awards, and additional entries or performances.  All remaining routines of the competitor will be disqualified.


  • Any performer competing in the Magic In Motion competition Festival takes certain inherent risks. These include, but are not limited to sprains, bruises, pulled muscles, head, back or neck injuries and broken bones. Participation in this competition indicates the acceptance of such risks by performers. Therefore by virtue of entering this competition, it is agreed that participants will not hold Magic In Motion Competition festival or its Officers, Directors, Staff, or Employees responsible for injuries sustained or illnesses contracted by them while in attendance and/or participating in any activity related to Magic In Motion competition festival. Magic In Motion and the hosting facility are not responsible for personal injury or property loss to either contestants or spectators. I hereby agree to the terms listed above. Furthermore, by submitting the Magic In Motion Digital waiver for these entries I release ALL Directors, Officers,staff, employees and any additional Representatives such as security, volunteers etc.of Magic In Motion from any and all claims for damages or injuries sustained while participating in any activity related to this competition. I understand by signing the Magic In Motion digital waiver that I cannot take legal action against Magic In Motion aerial and dance competition festival and any of its affiliated representatives. 

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

  • Our Time Table will be posted on the website at www.magicinmotionaerialfest.org 7 days prior to the competition, as well as emailed to the designated studio, School or independent representative. The Time Table lists when each age division, solo, duo, trio, group size, and category begins. It also lists each break and all scheduled Awards Ceremonies.

    This schedule is designed solely on the breakdown of entries for divisions and categories. We will not have this full breakdown in entries until all of the entries have been processed. We will set up the schedule, which will best accommodate the competitors at competition. We will always take into consideration all age groups registered before we schedule early morning, afternoon, early evening and late evening schedules. Please remember that we will only accommodate schedule changes for competitors who have school conflicts and can provide that proof in writing to magic in motion.

  • All competitors will be required to perform over firm safety mats. Competitors will not be required to use safety mats if their category is floor division. 

    In addition, choreography that allows any competitor to be physically lifted off the ground more than 6 feet while swinging or executing velocity/momentum movement will be considered hazardous to the competitor and will require safety mats. Although the 6-foot height is only a benchmark, Magic In Motion reserves the right to disqualify any routine that is deemed to have unnecessary dangerous elements within their choreography.  Any studios, schools are independent competitors that choose not to use safety mats in the Emerging pro and professional artists categories knowingly understands the risk of not using a safety mat and understand by signing the digital waiver they have released Magic In Motion from any  unnecessary Risks and or injury to themselves. 

  • No smoking of ANY kind is permitted at the venue.

    Unsportsmanlike behavior is unacceptable from directors, coaches, teachers, choreographers, competitors, families and spectators. Treat others as you would expect to be treated. Please note that every venue is unique and has its own set of rules. Please be respectful of the venue's policies and any signs displayed throughout the venue. Please note that vandalism, theft, destruction of property or substance abuse can result in security or Magic In Motion management contacting local authorities to have you removed from the property. 

    Magic In Motion reserves the right to press charges against any and all attendees that do not comply with our rules and regulation policies. 

  • Participants, Directors, coaches and teachers by virtue of entering a Magic In Motion Competition festival, give their permission and consent to the Owners, Directors management team of Magic In Motion to use their images or videos and any photographs to appear on videos, television, or any other electronic media for advertising, news coverage, or any other commercial use of help promote our Magic In Motion Aerial & Dance Competition Festival.

  • The doors to the venue will open one hour prior to the start of the competition. This will allow competitors, directors, coaches, teachers and vendors access to the lobby, check in area, dressing rooms, and Backstage area! The doors to the lobby theater will open 30 minutes prior to the first performance for spectators.

  • All aerial equipment will be inspected by certified riggers. No competitor will be allowed to perform without their equipment being inspected. Check-in equipment rigger will be located either at a check-in station or backstage area. Rigor will place a sticker on competitors equipment to note that it has passed inspection. Magic In Motion backstage crew will look for this sticker when you arrive Backstage to rehearse. 

    Please arrive at least one hour prior to your rehearsal time to give yourself enough time to check in, pass inspection and head backstage before you need to attend your rehearsal. 

  • All costumes must be age-appropriate to each competitor competing in the Magic In Motion competition festival. Costumes cannot be see-through, obtain logos of any kind, obtain inappropriate verbiage, or costumes that may not be form fitting which could be hazardous to competitors while on apparatuses. 

    Point deductions will be applied for any competitor who does not comply with Magic In Motion costume regulations.

  • All music is to be uploaded to our dropbox account 30 days prior to competition. All music must be labeled in its correct format. An email will be sent out to all studios, schools and independent registered account holders 40 days prior to competition with music upload details by Magic In Motion music technician. Please remember to always check your junk mail if you have not received email confirmation from Magic In Motion within our website deadlines. 

    *It is required that you bring a backup Thumb/Jump drive of music in the event of a malfunction. 

    Music must be appropriate for all competitors, families, spectators and Magic In Motion staff. Music cannot contain inappropriate language, sexual maturity language, or suggest racial intent towards individuals. Music that does not comply with Magic In Motion rules and regulations can or will receive point deductions or disqualification. 

  • Magic In Motion staff is not responsible for any props. The putting on and taking off of props is the sole responsibility of the studio, School or independent competitor. Fire, swords, knives, smoke bombs, Fog machines and helium balloons are strictly prohibited. Exceptions can be made in advance if a studio, school or independent competitor submits a video of their solo, duo, trio or group act that showcases their prop not being dangerous to the competitor or hazardous to the event stage. Please email us for further questions. Props must be hand held, freestanding. or Scenery. Backdrops requiring the use of theater fly bars or special lighting may not be used. Any props that are not pre-submitted or approved can result in point deduction or disqualification.

    No form of liquid, gel, aerosol, glitter, etc. may be used that would affect the surface of the theater stage. If the stage is "littered" during a routine, please be prepared to clean it up immediately after the routine is finished. Studios, schools and independent competitors will have 30 seconds to bring props on and off stage without being penalized. Yeah any props that take longer than 30 seconds to be removed from the stage can result and point deduction for competitors. 

  • Directors, coaches and teachers are required to be backstage with competitors under the age of 17. Competitors are only allowed backstage when a Magic In Motion staff or stage manager notifies them and their coach that they are on deck. Competitors are not allowed to hang out backstage after their routine has concluded.

    Only directors, coaches and teachers will be allowed in the dressing room areas with competitors. Parents will NOT be allowed backstage or in dressing room areas unless given a parent pass which can only be approved by Magic In Motion staff. 

    Only one studio, school or independent representative is required to check in with our Magic In Motion staff member! A Magic in Motion staff member will check in competitors at least 5 routines prior to competitors scheduled performance. Failure to check in with a Magic In Motion staff member may result in your routine being skipped or penalized. Please keep track of the schedule via our magic in motion app. Don’t forget to notify the Stage Manager at time of check in if your routine has any props.

    Please take note that there will be no food or drinks allowed backstage for any reason. All directors, coaches, teachers and competitors must clean up after themselves in the dressing room areas.

  • Magic In Motion will have security on site or our event. Magic In Motion takes the safety of our staff and guests very seriously and reserves the right to remove any spectators from the venue for any reason by security or Magic In Motion management staff. Any spectators that arrive intoxicated, assault anyone on site, refused to comply with our rules and regulations policies, or act sexually inappropriate towards competitors, Magic in Motion staff or other spectators will be removed from the property immediately. Local police can or may be called if Magic In Motion management or security deem it necessary.

  • All Studios, schools and independent competitors shall procure, in advance, all licenses required by any music performance societies, such as ASCAP, BMI and SESAC, for music or other works to be utilized or displayed in connection with our Event. Licensee agrees to make direct payment and accounting to ASCAP, BMI, SESAC and any other similar organizations for the use of musicians and/or musical works in the Event and at the request of Licensor to furnish proof of payment. Magic In Motion is not responsible for outsourced music performance licenses. Studios, schools and independent registries acknowledge the fact that Magic In Motion is a separate independent Organization and signing our digital waiver releases us from any and all liability.

  • By registering for Magic In Motion Festival Competition, all contestants grant permission to Magic In Motion to use their photographs and/or videos for promotional reasons. In addition, Magic In Motion reserves the right to use images and videos of competitors on Magic In Motion social media accounts and website. By signing our Magic In Motion digital waiver you acknowledge and give consent to the Magic In Motion festival competition to use your images or videos for promotional purposes. Magic In Motion reserves the right to communicate with you using the email provided in the registration system if needed or necessary. 

    Photography and videotaping is strictly prohibited of any competitor without their consent. Photographing or videotaping minors without their studio, school or parents consent is prohibited at Magic In Motion competition festival. NO videotaping of any reason will be allowed in dressing room areas or restrooms. Any studio, school or independent competitor that does not comply with the rules and regulation policies can and may be disqualified and removed from the premises.  

    By signing the Magic In Motion digital waiver you hereby understand and comply with the rules and regulation policies on photographing and videography minors while attending the Magic In Motion competition festival. 

  • A protest of a competitor's score can only be initiated by a Studio Director, coach or staff choreographer. Studios, schools and independent competitors can contest judges scores through a Magic in Motion staff member. Judges' scores can only be contested for a valid reason and must be done the day that the competitor competes. If a Magic In Motion staff member deems that the protest is valid, the judging tabulator will re-calculate competitors' scores and decide whether or not that competitor should receive a new score with a new placement or if the scoring will remain the same. Protest can only be contested one time for a competitor. If a Studio, school are independent competitor does not agree with the standings and still would like to protest a Competitors results, they will be given 15 days after the date the competition has concluded to email the directors of Magic In Motion. The directors of Magic In Motion will review videotaped performance, photos and judges scores and comments to help determine what the standing or outcome will be. 

    Please note that all judges are professionals in their field and have either judged at other professional events or are professional performers for companies which allows them to judge at competitions like Magic In Motion.The professionalism of all Magic In Motion judges is our top priority. Any judges that showcase favoritism towards one studio, school or independent competitor, exhibits unprofessionalism, takes bribes, discriminates against a competitor and/ obtains personal gain for themselves or their own competitor will be removed from the judging panel. All Magic In Motion judges should exhibit professionalism at all times while judging and any judges that do not uphold the Magic In Motion judges Standard will be relieved of their duties immediately and replaced with a new judge.